Welcome to the Geneva Emotion Profiler

How should an emotion be called? We often have problems to describe our complex emotional experiences with a specific word which can communicate our feelings to others as precisely as possible. The Geneva Emotion Profiler is an expert system based on meaning profiles for common emotion words that have been empirically measured for over 25 languages. You can use the system to obtain a prediction on how an emotion that you have experienced yourself would normally be called by most people and compare that to what you called it yourself.

You can use the system to obtain a prediction on how an emotion that you have experienced yourself would normally be called by most people. Concretely, the system will ask you to remember a situation in which you experienced a strong emotion and ask you a number of questions about it. It will then propose one or two emotion words that are likely to be used by people experiencing a similar situation to describe their emotional experience. You can then compare that to what you called it yourself and maybe gain some insight on how close you are to the way in which other people use emotion words.

Testing the expert system will only take about 5 minutes of your time and has proven to be very interesting and enjoyable to many users.

If you would like to have a go, just click on the START button.