Prix Maurice Chalumeau

Le «Prix senior Maurice Chalumeau 2020» a été décerné à Léïla Eisner, pour la thèse de doctorat en psychologie sociale qu’elle a soutenue à l'Université de Lausanne, sous le titre:

« Social change and perceived societal norms: An application to the sexual minority context in Switzerland »

This thesis aims at providing a better understanding of when and why people misperceive others’ opinions toward LGBTIQ+ issues, the impact that these misperceptions have on their willingness to act up for social change, and the impact of new laws on perceptions of the status quo. To achieve this goal, Léïla Eisner gathered representative data of the population in the canton of Vaud using the random-route method, initiated a large-scale LGBTIQ+ national survey that is now part of the Swiss LGBTIQ+Panel, and investigated the impact of a new law on step-child adoption on individuals.
This research does not only have a strong impact on the scientific community, but also on LGBTIQ+ individuals and the wider society.

  • L. Eisner, "Social change and perceived societal norms: An application to sexual minorities in Switzerland", Présentation donnée au laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale (Prof. Eva Green) de l’Université de Lausanne, Suisse, Octobre 2020
  • L. Eisner, "Social change and social norms: An application to sexual minorities in Switzerland", Présentation donnée au ‘Social Identity Lab’ (Prof. Toni Schmader) de l’Université de British Columbia, Canada, Novembre 2019
  • L. Eisner, T. Hässler, F. Turner-Zwinkels, & R. Settersten, "(Mis-)Perceptions of societal norms: How do they affect collective action?", Présentation donnée à la Western Sydney University (Prof. Craig McGarty), Australie, Avril 2019
  • L. Eisner, F. Turner-Zwinkels, T. Hässler, & D. Spini, "Pluralistic ignorance in a time of social change: Law, age, and misperceptions of societal norm about sexual minorities", Présentation donnée au département de Psychologie (Prof. Kristina Olson) de l’Université de Washington, USA, Octobre 2018
  • L. Eisner, D. Spini, & T. Hässler, "Do you know what I think? Perceived opposition of homosexual rights", Présentation donnée à Intergroup Relations and Social Justice Lab (Prof. Steven Wright) de Simon Fraser University, Canada, Juin 2018

Vidéo de présentation du Prix senior Maurice Chalumeau 2020