Gregory Giuliani - CV
CV | Publications | Conferences
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Senior Lecturer Phone: +41(22)379.07.09 Fax: +41(22)379.07.44 Email: Born on May 27, 1975 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Citizen of Italy and Switzerland. Linkedin | ResearchGate | ORCID | MyResearcherID | Twitter: @greggiuliani |
Education :
2009-2011: PhD in Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Environmental Sciences, enviroSPACE Group.
PhD thesis: Spatial Data Infrastructures for Environmental Sciences.
1998-2001: Master in Natural Sciences of the Environment, Faculty of Sciences, University of Geneva.
Master thesis: Traitement et interprétation de l'imagerie satellitaire multispectrale des lacs subalpins.
1995-1998: Bachelor in Earth Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Geneva.
Professional experience:
Since 2024: Associate editor of the Big Earth Data journal WWW
2023-2027: Council National representative, European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) WWW
2023: Visiting Professor at INPE (National Institute for Space Research) - Brazil
Since 2022: Member of the EuroGEO Land Cover & Land Use Action Group
Since 2022: Member of the UN-GGIM: Europe | Work Group on Data Integration WWW
Since 2022: Assocaite Editor member of Frontiers in Environmental Science (section Big Data, AI, and the Environment) WWW
Since 2022: Editorial Board member of the International Journal fo Digital Earth journal WWW
2022: Member of the Expert Advisory Group for a Re-evaluation of GEOSS
Since 2022: Member of the International Advisory Committee (IAC) of the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS) WWW
Since 2021: Co-chair, European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) - Land Use & Land Cover WWW
Since 2021: Co-chair, International Society on Digital Earth - Contribution of Digital Earth to SDGs WWW
Since 2020: Associate Editor of the Big Earth Data journal WWW.
2019-2020: Guest Editor - Special issue on "Sentinel Analysis Ready Data (Sentinel ARD)" in Remote Sensing. Other guest editors: Mr. D. Wicks (SatApp Catapult, UK), Dr. I. Manakos (ITI, Greece), Dr. O.Hagolle (CESBIO, France), Dr. J. Gomez-Dans (UCL, UK), Dr. C. Rossi (SatApp Catapult, UK) WWW
Since 2019: Editorial Board member of Remote Sensing journal WWW and section "Environmental Remote Sensing" WWW
Since 2019: International Society for Digital Earth, Council Member WWW
Since 2019: Member of the GEO Initiatives EO4SDG [WWW] and Land Degradation Neutrality (WP3: Data Analytics) [WWW].
Since 2019: Senior Lecturer at the University of Geneva
2018-2019: Guest Editor - Special Issue on "Earth Observation Data Cubes" in Data. Other guest editors: Dr. B.Killough (NASA, USA), Dr. S.Minchin (Geoscience, Australia), Prof. G.Camara (GEO, Switzerland). WWW
Since July 2018: Head of the Digital Earth Unit at GRID-Geneva
2018-2019: Guest Editor - Special Issue on "Towards Integrated Essential Variables for Environmental Sustainability" in the International Journal of Digital Earth (IJDE). Other guest editors: Dr. S.Nativi (JRC, Italy), Dr. J.Maso (UAB, Spain), Prof. A. Lehmann (UNIGE, Switzerland)
2018: Visiting Scientist/Postdoctoral research fellow, H2020 GEOEssential, CNR-IIA ESSI Lab, Florence, Italy WWW
Since 2017: Steering Committee Member - CAS Geomatics for a Sustainable Environment WWW
2017: Coordinator of the Workshop "Measuring, evaluating, and monitoring sustainable development" of the Master in Innovation, Human development, and Sustainability (Geneva - Tsinghua Initiative). WWW
2016: Research Data Alliance Brokering Governance Working Group, WP2 leader. WWW
Since 2016: Member of the GEO/GEOSS "GCI Operations" (WWW) & "GEOSS-EVOLVE", co-chair of WP6 "Community Portal" (WWW).
2016-2017: Member of the GEO/GEOSS Working Group "Capacity Building Coordination". WWW
2014-2015: Coordinator of the Task ID-02 "Developing Institutional and Individual Capacity" for GEO/GEOSS. WWW
Since 2013: Focal point for the UNIGE/ISE ICA-OSGeo Lab and "Geo for All" initiative. WWW
2013-2016: Coordinator of the Master of Environmental Science (MUSE) at University of Geneva. WWW
Since 2013: Invited Executive Committee Member - Certificate of Geomatics. WWW
2013: Guest Editor - Special Issue on "Building a Regional Observation System in the Black Sea catchment" in the International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA). Other guest editor: Prof. D.Gorgan (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania). WWW
2013: Coordinator of the Open Source GIS continuous training. WWW
2015-2018: Lecturer at the University of Geneva.
2010-2015: Scientific collaborator at University of Geneva.
October 2001 - June 2018: GIS & remote sensing analyst/SDI coordinator at UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva.
From Match to October 2001: GIS analyst for a local GIS company.
From January to March 2001: Internship at UNEP/DEW/GRID-Europe.
From April to December 2000: University tutor in remote sensing and GIS (Remote Sensing and GIS Unit, University of Geneva).
From March to December 2000: GIS Consultant for the World Health Organization (WHO)
Since 2000: several teaching lessons at the primary, secondary and university levels (environment, remote sensing, database, GIS programming).
Research interests:
My research focuses on Land Change Science, in particular Land Degradation, and how Earth Observations can be used to monitor and assess environmental changes and support sustainable development. Interdisciplinary is a key element for generating new ideas and innovations in my research.
Themes: GIS, Remote Sensing, Spatial Data Infrastructure, Earth Observations, GEO/GEOSS, Digital Earth, Geosciences, Environmental sciences, Climate and Ecosystem services, Natural Capital, Planetary Boundaries, Sustainable Development Goals, Essentials Variables, Information Science, Open & Reproducible Science.
Supervision & co-supervision:
1. Guigoz Yaniss, PhD, 2016, Spatial Data Infrastructures for addressing environmental challenges: Stocktaking, Capacity building, Implementation and Assessment, University of Geneva WWW
2. Espinosa Maria Teresa , Master, 2016, Essential Climate Variables - Proposal of a workflow for data and information accessibility, University of Geneva WWW
3. Cettou Benoît, Master, 2017, Cartographie(s) des changements climatiques en Suisse basée sur des données simulées à l'aide d'un modèle climatique régional, University of Geneva
4. Honeck Erica, Master, 2017, Evaluation des outils d'aide à la décision basés sur les services écosystémiques du Canton de Genève, University of Geneva
5. Frau Lorenzo, Master, 2017, Evaluation des outils d'aide à la décision basés sur les services écosystémiques du Canton de Genève, University of Geneva
6. Guggiari Orlando, Master, 2018, Étude géologique, géochimique et multispectrale d’une zone d’altération hydrothermale dans le Précambrien supérieur du secteur de Tidili (région de Ouarzazate, Maroc), Université de Genève
7. Favre Stéphanie, PhD, 2018, Systèmes d'information pour les données géologiques 2D et 3D: perspectives et limites pour l'analyse du sous-sol genevois et ses ressources, University of Geneva WWW
8. Pittard Coralie, Master, 2019, Analyse et sélection d'indices spectraux, à l'aide de la statistique de la superficie suisse, en vue d'améliorer la carte d'utilisation et de couverture du sol.
9. Marti Giulia, Master, 2021, Monitoring spatial and temporal evolution of Water Security based on Earht Observations: A Global Analysis from 2003 to 2019.
10. Thomas Isabel, Master, 2022, Dynamics of Land Cover change and carbon storage in Switzerland between 1985 and 2018.
11. Obuchowicz Claire, Master, 2023, Analyse de la tendance de verdissement en Suisse entre 1984-2018 et l'influence des facteurs climatiques et géographiques.
12. Flores Daniela, PhD, ongoing, Semantic-enabled Environmental trajectories, Université de Grenoble, France. (co-supervision, Prof. J.Gensel)
13. Lalayan Arthur, PhD, ongoing, Processing strategies in Earth Observation Data Cubes, University of Yerevan, Armenia. (co-supervision, Prof. H. Astsatryan)
14. Algora Tussy Maria, Master, 2023, Exploration du potentiel de la télédétection pour évaluer la provision de services écosystémiques en Suisse.
15. Neophytides Stelios, PhD, ongoing, Explainable AI (XAI) and Causal Machine Learning (CML) to identify climatic impact οn yield productivity of citrus tree, Cyprus
University of Technology, Cyprus. (co-supervision Prof. P. Kyriakidis)
16. Poussin Charlotte, PhD, ongoing, Assessing and monitoring the exposure of climate change in Switzerland using time series analyses from the Swiss Data Cube, University of Geneva, Switzerland. (co-supervision Prof. P. Peduzzi)
17. Franziskakis Florian, PhD, ongoing, Panalesis model management and conversion into palæogeography, University of Geneva, Switzerland. (co-supervsion Prof S. Castelltort & Dr. C. Vérard)
18. Planque Carole, postdoc, 2024, DynamicLand: a Dynamic & Quantitative Land Environmental Description System, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
19. Chognard Sébastien, postdoc, 2024, EarthTrack: Citizen Science for Land Monitoring, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
20. Lambiel Audrey, PhD, ongoing, Land Degradation and its impact on Ecosystem Services in the Mediterranean basin, University of Geneva, Switzerland (co-supervision Prof. A. Lehmann)
European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL)
Open Geospatial Consortium, OSGeo, Swiss Geological Society, Swiss Academy of Science, European Geosciences Union.
SITG technical committee member [2013-2015]
Member of the Swiss coordination group for GEO/GEOSS
Member of the GEO/GEOSS Disaster SBA Task Force
Member of the GEO/GEOSS Institutions and Development Implementation Board
Member of the Research Data Alliance - Geospatial IG, Brokering IG, Brokering Governance WG WWW
Ecosystem Services: a Method for Sustainable Development (MOOC) WWW
Introduction to Geomatics, Master in Environmental Sciences (MUSE).
Introduction to Remote Sensing, Master in Environmental Sciences (MUSE).
Introduction to Open Source GIS, Master in Environmental Sciences (MUSE).
Introduction to Data visualisation, Master in Environmental Sciences (MUSE).
Introduction to ArcGIS, Master in Environmental Sciences (MUSE) - Cours bloc Géologie des déchets.
SPACE-Climate, Master in Environmental Sciences (MUSE)
Natural resources (MUSE; Geology)
Introduction to Python Geoprocessing in ArcGIS, Certificate of Geomatics.
Introduction to Remote Sensing, Certificate of Geomatics.
Module on Spatial Data Infrastructure, Certificate of Geomatics.
Open Source GIS, Continous training.
Sharing geospatial data using OGC web services, Master in Information Systems.
Current research projects:
SNF - DT4LC: Developing Scalable Digital Twin Models for Land Cover Change Detection Using Machine Learning [2024-2027] - PI
Horizon Europe - LandShift: Community-Led Creation of Living Spaces in Shifting Landscapes for Climate-Resilient Land Use Management and Supporting the New European Bauhaus [2024-2027] - WP leader
Horizon Europe - Monalisa: MONitoring and Assessing prevention and restoration solutions to combat desertification in LIving labs for achieving Soil heAlth [2024-2028] - Partner
Horizon Europe - Nostradamus: Data Cube and Copernicus data for Food Security and European Independence [2024-2028] - WP leader
4EU+ - EO4ForestChange: Earth Observations of Mountain Forests Change under Changing Climate [2024 - 2026] - PI
Leading House for the Latin American Region - TimeMachine4LUC: Using Transfer Learning for Land Use & Cover Time-Series [2024] - PI
SNF Spark - DynamicLand: a Dynamic & Quantitative Land Environmental Description System [2024] - PI
SNF Singergia - Base-Top-Earth: Long-term evolution of the Earth from the base of the mantle to the top of the atmosphere: Understanding the mechanisms leading to ‘greenhouse’ and ‘icehouse’ regimes [2023-2027] - co-PI WWW
swissuniversities - OSIReS: Open Services for Interoperable and Reproducible research based on Spatiotemporal data [2023-2024] - partner
SNF-ANR - TRACES: Semantic Environmental Trajectories for Territories [2021-2025] - partner WW
FOEN - Swiss Data Cube: Earth Observations for monitoring the environment of Switzerland in space and time [2016-2023] - project leader WWW
Past research projects:
FOEN - ValPar.CH: Values of the ecological infrastructure in Swiss parks [2020-2023] - partner WWW
4EU+: Ruderalitazation and invasive species spread as a consequences of land abandonment in European landscapes after 1990: detection and assessment using remote sensing [2023] - partner
LC4SDG: Land Cover Data Science for the SDGs [2022-2023] - Principal Investigator WWW
Alliance Campus Rhodanien TerriScope: Land Cover change trajectories [2021-2022] - partner WWW
swisstopo Kompetenzzentrum für die Standardisierung im Geoinformationsbereich: [2020-2022] - partner WWW
FOEN New Information Technologies for the International Environment [2020-2021] - project leader
EO-ALLert: Early-Warning to the Impacts of Alluvial Mining on Sensitive Areas Using Earth Observation [2019-2020] - Partner WWW
UNIGE-UZH PhenoSwiss: Monitoring Land Surface Phenology over Switzerland using the Swiss Data Cube satellite Earth Observations time-series [2019-2020] - PI with C. Röösli (UZH/RSL) WWW
UNIGE ADC4SD: Armenian Data Cube for Sustainable Development [2018-2020] - Principal Investigator
UK Space Agency IPP Common Sensing: Improved climate change resilience and sustainable development in Commonwealth of Nations Small Island Developing States [2018-2020] WWW
H2020 ERA-PLANET/GEOEssential: The European network for observing our changing planet [2016-2019] - WP leader WWW
H2020 Ground Truth 2.0: Environmental knowledge discovery of human sensed data [2016-2019] - Advisory Board member WWW
H2020 ECOPOTENTIAL: Improving Future Ecosystem Benefits Through Earth Observations [2015-2019] WWW
UNIGE-UZH SnowCover.CH: Monitoring Snow Cover changes over Switzerland using Earth Observations time-series [2018-2019] - PI with D.Small (UZH/RSL) WWW
FOEN IG3IS: Integrated Global Greenhouse Gases Information System, demo platform and feasibility study [2016-2017]
FOEN ECVs & EBVs: Transforming global ECVs and EBVs data into information products [2016-2017]
UNEP Live: Cutting-edge, dynamic new platform to collect, process and share the world's best environmental science and research [2014-2016] WWW
ACP ECOWREX2: Promoting Sustinable Energy Access through the use of geospatial technologies in West Africa [2014-2015] WWW
FP7 IASON: Fostering sustainability and uptake of research results through networking activities in Black Sea and Mediterranean areas [2013-2015] WWW
FP7 EOPOWER: Earth Observation for Economic Empowerment [2013-2015] - Project Manager WWW
UNEP ClimVar: Integration of climate variability and change into national strategies for the implementation of the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean [2014] WWW
FP7 Afromaison: Adaptive and integrated tools and strategies on natural resources management [2011-2014] - WP leader WWW
PREVIEW Global Risk Data Platform: Project of Risk Evaluation, Vulnerability, Information and Early Warning [2007-2013] - lead developer WWW
FP7 ACQWA: Assessing Climate impacts on the Quantity and quality of WAter [2008-2013] WWW
SCOPES ARPEGEO: Deploying ARmenian distributed Processing capacities for Environmental GEOspatial data [2011-2013] WWW
FP7 enviroGRIDS: Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development [2009-2013] - WP leader WWW
SWITCH MUSIC: MUlti-disciplinary diStrIbuted Computing [2011-2012] WWW
FP6 Metafunctions: Environment and genomics [2005-2008] WWW
UNEP GEO: Global Environment Outlook [2001-2005] WWW
Journée Romande de la géoinformation 2023 - Program Committee member WWW
European Space Agency Living Planet Symposium 2022 - Scientific Committee member WWW
International Society for Digital Earth 2021 Symposium - Program Committee member WWW
International Society for Digital Earth 2019 Symposium - Scientific Program Committee member WWW
GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot - 4 WWW
OGRS2012 organizing and scientifc committees member WWW
OpenWater Symposium 2011 organizing and scientifc committees member WWW
Member of the Swiss delegation at the GEO-XIV Plenary WWW
Member of the Swiss delegation at the GEO-IX Plenary WWW
Member of the European Commission delegation at the GEO-X Plenary WWW
Member of the Swiss delegation at the GEO-XI Plenary WWW
FOSS4G-Europe 2015 Water Track Organizing Committee WWW