Dr Serge Stoll

In natural aquatic and terrestrial systems, the accumulation, circulation and transformations of emerging pollutants, such as manufactured nanoparticles, plastic microparticles, perchlorates introduced by human activities, must be understood and studied in order to assess their long-term impacts, their influences on the quality of water, soil, our environment and their effects on living organisms. The research work of the environmental physical-chemistry group in the F.-A. Forel environmental and water sciences concern the characterization and understanding of the physical-chemical processes that govern the circulation, transformations, environmental impacts of pollutants and water treatment. This work is carried out through international projects and collaborations, at the academic and industrial levels, particularly in the context of the production of drinking water and the treatment of urban effluents with our GIS partners. We also actively collaborate with public institutions such as the Department of Territories (GESDEC), the Swiss Society of Water and Gas Industrialists (SSIGE) and associations such as the Association for the Protection of Lake Geneva (ASL) and Odysseus 3.1.

Our projects focus more particularly on:

The members of the research group also provide teaching in the form of courses and practical work in the field of environmental chemistry, aquatic and atmospheric chemistry as well as water analysis methods. This teaching is provided within the Faculty of Sciences and the University Master in Environmental Sciences (MUSE).

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On field and laboratory water analyses

The group regularly welcomes master's students from the MUSE and students from other sections, students from universities, engineering schools, for internships and master's work, laboratory research and actively participates in the life of the City. through reports, interviews and public discussions, and events such as the Night of Science.

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Night of the Science (sensitization to plastic pollution)