"The Global Governance of Migration and Asylum", Symposium, 10-11 octobre 2016

Photography: Alberto Campi/We Report "Migrant holding Monopoly pieces", Patras (Greece), 2012

International migration has found recognition as one of the key concerns to be addressed by the international community. Several recent initiatives pay tribute to this development: the upcoming  UN High-Level Plenary Meeting on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants on 19 September 2016 in New York; the Leaders' Summit on Refugees the following day; the inclusion of migration and human mobility in the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as well as in the Decision adopting the 2015 Paris Agreement to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21). 

This symposium is a joint initiative by the Universities of Geneva and UC Davis in collaboration with the League of European Research Universities LERU. It brings together leading researchers, high representatives and experts from International Organizations and NGOs working in the field of international migration. The purpose is to exchange knowledge and perspectives and thereby identify some priorities for future research and political action in line with these global initiatives. 

Click here to download the program (pdf).
4 octobre 2016