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Launch of the First Certificate of Open Studies

The new academic year has started, not only for students in Geneva but also for *InZone students in UNIGE campuses in refugee camps. Over 75 students from a broad range of nationalities living in Kakuma (Kenya), Azraq (Jordan) and Diffa (Niger) started on the 18th of September the first UNIGE Certificate of Open Studies (COS) on Community Health. This new programme will take students through an exciting learning journey of nine months from September 2023 to June 2024. It will equip students with knowledge and skills to support their local health system and contribute to better health in their communities. 

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InZone, the Faculty of Medicine, and local health actors (e.g., International Rescue Committee in Kakuma, and Save the Children and Emphnet in Azraq) designed the programme and developed its content with contributions from 40 experts and practitioners from the Faculty, University Hospitals of Geneva, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UNHCR, MSF, Visual Exchange, Enfants du Monde etc. The programme covers the pillars of community health (e.g., maternal and child health, infectious diseases) and goes one step beyond by addressing emerging problems in humanitarian settings (e.g., diabetes, hypertension, mental health, climate change) and introducing innovative methods and approaches (e.g., One Health, artificial intelligence). It is a blended learning programme that combines online learning, field projects and workshops that will allow students to learn and practice in hospitals, labs and at the community.
The programme attempts to answer a need expressed by communities and will help InZone and its partners better understand and support capacity building and health system strengthening in fragile settings. Student, expert and partner feedback will help improving this first English version of the programme, which will evolve and expand to other needy locations with French and Arabic versions in 2024.

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