Affine Isometric Actions of Discrete Groups

June 28 - July 3, 2009

Ascona, Switzerland

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The study of affine isometric actions of groups on Hilbert or Banach spaces opens a new chapter in the theory of group representations, with connections to rigidity, ergodic theory, geometric group theory, and metric geometry. The aim of this conference, the first ever dedicated to this young subject, is to bring together young and confirmed experts in order to present new results and methods, isolate key problems in the field, and discuss future applications (e.g. possibly in theoretical computer science).

Plenary speakers:

Bachir BEKKA (Rennes)
Cornelia DRUTU (

Erik GUENTNER (Hawaii)
Nicolas MONOD (EPF
Assaf NAOR (Courant Inst)

Andres NAVAS (Santiago)

Graham NIBLO (Southampton)
Piotr NOWAK (
Texas A & M)
Jesse PETERSON (Vanderbilt)

Florin RADULESCU (Roma)

Mark SAPIR (Vanderbilt)



See the Programme, the Abstracts, and the Schedule (new).



Introductory lectures for PhD students by

Nicolas MONOD (EPF Lausanne)

Bachir BEKKA (Rennes)

Tsachik GELANDER (Hebrew University)


Contributed talks:


Florent BAUDIER (Besancon)

Jacek BRODZKI (Southampton)


Alex FURMAN (Chicago)

Damien GABORIAU (ENS Lyon)

Alexander GAMBURD (Northwestern)

Tsachik GELANDER (Hebrew University)

Gabriella KUHN (Milan)

Masato MIMURA (Tokyo)

Yves STALDER (Clermont-Ferrand)

Troels STEENSTRUP (Odense)

Andreas THOM (Gottingen)

Alina VDOVINA (Newcastle)


Goulnara Arzhantseva ( Geneva) and Alain Valette ( Neuchatel)

Supported by:

Swiss National Science Foundation , Swiss Doctoral Programme in Maths, ETH Zurich, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques


The conference will take place at the Centro Stefano Franscini (CSF), the international conference center of ETH Zurich located in the South of Switzerland, on a beautiful hill above Ascona called Monte Verita. Ascona and Locarno are charming neighboring towns residing by the spectacular Lake Maggiore (Canton Ticino), Switzerland

Monte Verita Centre - CSF ETHZ , , Live Webcam Ascona


PhD students based in CUSO-affiliated Swiss universities are eligible for financial support and are invited to enquire with the organisers.