Orateur: Christine
Lescop (Grenoble)
Titre: Counting graph configurations in 3-manifolds.
We will present ways of counting configurations of uni-trivalent
Feynman graphs in 3-manifolds in order to produce invariants of these
3-manifolds and of their links, following Gauss, Witten, Bar-Natan,
Kontsevich and others.
We will first review the construction of the simplest invariants that can be
obtained in our setting. These invariants are the linking number and the
Casson invariant of integer homology 3-spheres.
Next we will see how the involved ingredients allow us to define a functor
on the category of framed tangles in rational homology cylinders, and we
will show the properties of our functor, which generalizes both a universal
Vassiliev invariant for links in the ambient space and a universal finite
type invariant of rational homology 3-spheres.
Finally, we will show how these constructions work in an equivariant setting
in order to produce a far more structured invariant, which conjecturally
lifts the previous one for null-homologous knots.