Orateur: Hideo
Takioka (Osaka)
Titre: The cable
$\Gamma$-polynomial of a knot.
We consider the cable version of the $\Gamma$-polynomial, which is
the common zeroth coefficient polynomial of both the HOMFLYPT and Kauffman
polynomials. I will talk about the following 5 topics:
i. Classification of Abe-Tange's ribbon knots by the
ii. A characterization of the $\Gamma$-polynomial of a knot with clasp
number at most two.
iii. Braid index of Kanenobu knots.
iv. Arc index of Kanenobu knots (a joint work with Hwa Jeong Lee (KAIST)).
v. The cable $\Gamma$-polynomials of mutant knots.