Orateur: Quingtao
Chen (ETH Zurich)
Titre: Quantum
invariants, Skein relations and Volume conjecture.
In knot theory, Jones, HOMFLY and Kauffman polynomials share a common
feature that they can be defined via a purely combinatorial method called
skein relation. But it's rather hard to search skein relations for quantum
invariants. Recently, we proposed several conjectures of congruent skein
relations for colored HOMFLY invariants and colored Jones polynomials etc.
We have proved series of examples for these new conjectures. The motivation
behind this phenomenon involves several areas of mathematics as well as
string theory, which may also shed some new light on the Volume conjecture.
This is a joint work with Kefeng Liu, Pan Peng and Shengmao Zhu. Finally I
will introduce a very recent discovery of Volume Conjectures for hyperbolic
3-manifolds through Turaev-Viro type invariants and Reshetikhin-Turaev
invariants evaluated at roots of unity other than the usual root of unity
considered by Witten.