Orateur: Renzo
Ricca (Milan)
Titre: Vortex knots
cascade measured by HOMFLYPT polynomial
Topological fluid mechanics has a long history, experiencing a
recent revival since Moffatt’s original work of 1969 through the topological
interpretation of kinetic helicity of vortex dynamics, one of the most
fundamental invariants of ideal fluid flows, in terms of the Gauss linking
number. For a single vortex filament Moffatt and Ricca (1992) showed that
helicity can be expressed in terms of the Calugareanu-White self linking
number in terms of writhe and twist of the vortex knot. Recently, by
applying knot theoretical techniques Liu and Ricca have derived well-known
knot polynomials [1, 2] – most notably the HOMFLYPT polynomial– from the
helicity of fluid systems, hence showing that these can provide indeed new
invariants of ideal fluid mechanics, and in the case of HOMFLYPT the two
polynomial variables have been shown to be related to the writhe and twist
of the vortex knot.
Due to reconnection or recombination of neighboring strands vortex knots can
undergo an almost generic cascade process, that tend to reduce topological
complexity by stepwise unlinking. Here, by using the adapted HOMFLYPT
polynomial for fluid knots, we prove that under the assumption that
topological complexity decreases by stepwise unlinking by anti-parallel
reconnection, this cascade process follows a path detected by a unique,
monotonically decreasing sequence of numerical values [3]. This result holds
true for any sequence of standardly embedded torus knots T(2, 2n + 1) and
torus links T(2, 2n). By this result we demonstrate that the computation of
this adapted HOMFLYPT polynomial provides a powerful tool to quantify
topological complexity of various physical systems.