Orateur: Ana
Lecuona (Université d'Aix-Marseille)
Titre: Slopes, colored
links and Kojima's eta concordance invariant
In this talk we will introduce an invariant, the slope, for a colored
link in a homology sphere together with a suitable multiplicative character
defined on the link group. The slope takes values in the complex numbers
union infinity and it is real for finite order characters. It is a
generalization of Kojima's eta-invariant and can be expressed as a quotient
of Conway polynomials. It is also related to the correction term in Wall’s
non-additivity formula for the signatures of 4-manifolds, and as such it
appears naturally as a correction term in the expression of the signature
formula for the splice of two colored links. This is a work in progress with
Alex Degtyarev and Vincent Florens.