In memory of Michel Kervaire

From surgery to knots and other subjects

February10-13, 2009

Department of MathematicsUniversity of Geneva

Speakers: Norbert A'Campo (Basel)
Eva Bayer (EPFL, Lausanne)
Sylvain Cappell (Courant New York)
Claude Cibils (Montpellier)
Shalom Eliahou (Calais)
Boas Erez (Bordeaux)
Roger Fenn (Sussex)
Cameron Gordon (Austin)
Vaughan Jones (Berkeley)
Françoise Michel (Toulouse)
John Milnor (Stony Brook)
Andrew Ranicki (Edinburgh)
Jacques Thévenaz (EPFL, Lausanne)

Pierre de la Harpe , Jean-Claude Hausmann, Rinat Kashaev, Claude Weber

The programme and its pdf version with some abstracts.


Poster (a pdf-file).

Graphs (in pdf format) of Kervaire 's mathematical ancestors and descendants,
created by Andrew Ranicki by using the information from the Mathematical Genealogy Project.

   Last updated: February 19, 2009