Les Diablerets, January 13 - January 18, 2013
(deadline for registration: November 30, 2012)
Damien Calaque (ETHZ, UCBL), "An introduction to derived symplectic geometry"
Anthony Licata (Australian National University), "Categorical actions of quantum groups and braid groups"
Richard Rimanyi (UNC Chapel Hill), "Equivariant classes, COHA, and quantum dilogarithm identities for Dynkin quivers"
Thomas Willwacher (Harvard), "Graphs, Models, Quantization"
The Swiss university conference
SNSF ProDoc program "Geometry, Algebra and Mathematical Physics"
Anton Alekseev (UNIGE),
Anton.Alekseev (at) unige.ch
Damien Calaque (ETHZ and UCBL)
damien.calaque (at) math.ethz.ch
Alberto Cattaneo (UZH),
alberto.cattaneo (at) math.uzh.ch
Giovanni Felder (ETHZ),
felder (at) math.ethz.ch
Maria Podkopaeva (Chebyshev Lab, SPbSU), m.b.podkopaeva (at) gmail.com
Thomas Strobl (UCBL)
strobl (at) math.univ-lyon1.fr
Andras Szenes (UNIGE),
Andras.Szenes (at) unige.ch