Les Diablerets, January 12 - January 17, 2014
(deadline for registration: November 29, 2013)
Ezra Getzler (Northwestern University), "Differential forms on stacks"
Iain Gordon (University of Edinburgh), "Schubert Calculus and Bethe Algebras"
Marco Gualtieri (University of Toronto), "The Stokes Groupoids"
Jan Manschot (University of Lyon), "Quivers and BPS bound states"
The Swiss university conference
SNSF ProDoc program "Geometry, Algebra and Mathematical Physics"
Anton Alekseev (UNIGE),
Anton.Alekseev (at) unige.ch
Damien Calaque (Universite Montpellier 2)
damien.calaqu (at) univ-montp2.fr
Alberto Cattaneo (UZH),
alberto.cattaneo (at) math.uzh.ch
Giovanni Felder (ETHZ),
felder (at) math.ethz.ch
Maria Podkopaeva (Chebyshev Lab, SPbSU), m.b.podkopaeva (at) gmail.com
Thomas Strobl (UCBL)
strobl (at) math.univ-lyon1.fr
Andras Szenes (UNIGE),
Andras.Szenes (at) unige.ch