Dates and place:
School: October 19-22, 2010
Conference: October 25-29, 2010
The school and the conference will take place in the Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna as part of the ESI Program on Higher Structures in Mathematics and Physics.
Please register!
School speakers:
André Henriques (Utrecht), "Conformal nets"
Bernhard Keller (Paris 7), "Cluster algebras and triangulated categories"
Aaron Lauda (Columbia), "Categorifying quantum groups"
Thomas Willwacher (Harvard), "M. Kontsevich's graph complex and the Grothendieck-Teichmüller Lie algebra"Conference speakers:
Mohammed Abouzaid (MIT), "Categorical smoothness in symplectic topology"
Serguei Barannikov (CNRS), "Equivariant A-infinity matrix integrals and non-commutative BV formalism"
Damien Calaque (Lyon), "Deformation quantization via generators and relations"
Alberto Cattaneo (Zürich), "Classical and perturbative topological field theories with boundary"
Gil Cavalcanti (Utrecht), "Normal forms and surgeries for generalized complex 4-manifolds"
Cheol-Hyun Cho (Seoul), "Homotopy cyclic A-infinity algebras"
Marius Crainic (Utrecht)
Christopher Douglas (Berkeley), "Fusion categories are dualizable"
Giovanni Felder (ETH Zürich), "Elliptic Dunkl operators for complex reflection groups and integrable systems"
Rui Loja Fernandes (IST, Lisbon), "Equivariant Picard groups of Poisson manifolds"
John Francis (Northwestern), "The E_n tangent complex, Hochschild cohomology, and higher deformations"
Kenji Fukaya (Kyoto), "Hochschild and cyclic cohomology in Lagrangian Floer theory and Mirror symmetry"
Wendy Lowen (Antwerpen), "Deformations of linear sites and projective schemes"
Dmitry Roytenberg (Utrecht)
Pavol Severa (Geneva), "Quasi-Poisson geometry and symplectic 2-groupoids"
Boris Tsygan (Northwestern), "Open questions in deformation quantization"
Maxim Zabzine (Uppsala), "3D TFTs, characteristic classes and knots invariants"
Xinwen Zhu (Harvard), "Double loop groups and reciprocity laws on algebraic surfaces"
Scientific committee:
Alberto Cattaneo (Zürich)
Ezra Getzler (Northwestern)
Kenji Fukaya (Kyoto)
Ping Xu (Luxembourg)
Anton Alekseev (Geneva)
Henrique Bursztyn (IMPA)
Maria Podkopaeva (Geneva)
Thomas Strobl (Lyon)
Previous conferences:
Higher Structures 2009
Higher Structures 2008
Higher Structures 2007