Kristin Shaw
I am an assistant and doctoral candidate at the University of Geneva. I work in tropical geometry under the direction of Grigory Mikhalkin.
Here is my cv
Here's how to find me:
Université de Genève
Villa Battelle
Route de Drize
1227 Carouge (Suisse)
tel: +41 22 379 00 83
fax: +41 22 379 11 76
Obstructions to approximating tropical curves in surfaces via intersection theory. (with E. Brugallé).
A tropical intersection product on matroidal fans (submitted).
Local obstructions to approximating tropical curves in surfaces. (To appear in Oberwolfach Reports Vol. 20).
Multiplicity free expansions of Schur P-functions
(with Stephanie Van Willigenburg), Ann. Comb. 11:69--77 (2007).
Coincidences among skew Schur functions (with Victor Reiner and Stephanie Van Willigenburg), Adv. Math. 216:118--152 (2007).
Séminaire Fables Géometriques
Tropical Geometry in Europe