The study of nonlinear partial differential equations plays an ever increasing role in science, and many fundamental mathematical aspects need to be developed further in order to answer important questions for applications in branches as different as physics, biology, medical research and economy to mention just a few.
This Stepping Stone Symposium on Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations with Specific Applications is mainly funded by the Sino Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation (SSSTC) Programme 2013-2016. It will bring together experts in theoretical and numerical analysis of partial differential equations from a wide range of institutes from China and Switzerland, with the goal of exchanging ideas, consolidate present knowledge, and, most importantly, foster new collaborations between the participating Universities in order to address and solve problems for specific applications. The Symposium will be an important first step towards establishing a permanent collaboration between our partners at the Chinese Universities the University of Geneva and other interested research groups in Switzerland.
Dates: 29-30-31 August 2017.
Place: Uni Bastions in lecture hall B106 (first floor).
Université de Genève, Uni Bastions. Rue De-Candolle 5, 1205 Genève, Switzerland.
Registration. There are no registration fees, however, in order to assist with planning the event, we kindly ask all attendants to register, even if you are not planning to present a poster.
Book of abstracts. The book of abstracts is now available.
Announcement poster.
This Stepping Stone Symposium is organized jointly by the University of Geneva (Section of Mathematics and Section of Physics) and the School of Information, Renmin University of China.
Chinese organizers: Yuan Lou, Yaobin Ou (School of Information, Renmin University of China).
UNIGE organizers: Martin J. Gander, Sylvain Sardy, Bart Vandereycken, Gilles Vilmart, Peter Wittwer (University of Geneva).