BioCode: RNA to proteins (R2P) Platform analyzes gene expression at the level of translation
We provide analysis of translatome by polysome fractionation and Ribo-Seq (differential translation, translation efficiency, RNA translatability, ribosome pausing, etc). We also perform in vitro translation in cell-free protein system and analysis of protein solubility
We are working with different organisms and tissue cultures: bacteria, pathogens, yeast, mammalian cells and tissues...
We provide consulting, assistance and technical advice to help researcher in experiments design.
Our Facility is dedicated to local academic users (University of Geneva) but is also open for external academic researchers and for industry.
The main activities of R2P platform:
Ribosome isolation and fractionation
Analysis of translatome by Ribo-Seq (Ribosome profiling)
Cryogenic Disruption
Analysis of protein solubility
Isolation of soluble and aggregated proteins
Density gradient centrifugation
In vitro translation