High-temperature spectral hole burning on samarium(II) in single crystals of the lead fluorohalide structure family and in thin films of calcium fluoride

H. Bill, R. Jaaniso, H. Hagemann, D. Lovy, A. Monnier, M. Schnieper

Dépt. de Chimie Physique, Université de Genève
30, Quai E. Ansermet, 1211 Genève 4, Suisse

When modern spectral hole burning applications for high-density information storage under noncryogenic temperatures are envisioned, it is necessary to develop new frequency-selective photoactive materials for this purpose. Mixed compounds of the PbFCl family, doped with samarium(II) ions, exhibit promising and true room-temperature hole burning capabilities. We investigate this class of systems (and related ones) by combining material synthesis and high-resolution spectroscopy. Whole groups of isomorphous crystals were synthesized with varying degrees of halide anion and/or cation substitutions. Thin films of fluoride-based materials were made in a laboratory-built molecular beam epitaxy system. An extended x-ray study, differential thermal analysis, luminescence, and Raman measurements allowed the characterization of the materials. Formal models were developed for both the inhomogeneous zero-phonon optical line shapes of the samarium(II) and the time evolution of the hole burning.

Prof. H. Bill