WinDig Data digitizer

WinDIG is a free data digitizer for Windows 3.x and 9x. Very useful to get back curves and points from scanned images.

New: Please note:


Main features:

New features in version 2.5 :

To install WinDIG : create a new directory, unzip these files in this directory, and add an icon in one of your program manager groups. WinDIG will create a windig.ini file in the same directory, but nothing elsewhere.

WinDIG is written in TPW 1.5 (fast and efficient)

The author :

Mr Dominique LOVY
Dept. of Physical Chemistry
University of GENEVA
30 Quai Ansermet
CH-1211 GENEVE 4

E-Mail :

 Download WinDig 2.5 for Windows 3.x and 9x (115 kb)

This zip file contains :
windig.exe : The Windows 3.1 executable (will also run on Windows 9x)
windige.hlp : The Windows help file
grafiles.dll : A DLL to load many graphic files
example.bmp : A little .bmp to use as an example
readme.txt : This file

Télécharger WinDig 2.5 pour Windows 3.x et 9x (version française) (116 kb)