Our laboratory is strongly involved in informing and communicating with the general public and schools about life sciences in general, and microbiology in particular. We thus respond to one of the strong missions of our University, service to the city, by organizing various events and activities: exhibitions, conferences, laboratory visits. We also provide experiments for primary, secondary I and secondary II schools.
Several structures have been set up:
BiOutils is the first structure created to promote experimental life sciences. The mission of this interface is to support the teaching of biology by proposing materials and skills to schools.
TheScienceBreaker's mission is to democratize scientific publications by providing scientists with the opportunity to communicate on science, research and the latest discoveries. An innovative and indispensable structure to understand scientific news.
Swissmicrobes is the new microbiology information and communication site. Focusing on Swiss research and on the latest discoveries, this website is under construction. It will be aimed at making the vast world of microbiology readily understandable.