In the context of higher order scalar tensor theories we will find explicit solutions with primary scalar charge evading classical no hair theorems. The large class of theories at hand are ultra violet departures from GR and will be given by specific…
Ecole de Physique / EP234
Abstract: In this talk we will discuss the symplectic classification of Lagrangian tori that split as circles in S^2 x S^2. As it turns out, this classification is equivalent to playing mathematical billiards on a rectangular table. This has many…
Conseil Général 7-9 / Room 6-13, Seminaire "Fables géométriques"
21.02.2025 11:50 – 12:50 / Ecole de Physique / EP234
21.02.2025 15:15 – 16:00 / Conseil Général 7-9 / Room 6-13, Seminaire "Fables géométriques"