Richard Feynman

Any scientific endeavour should be based on a scientific attitude and state of mind based on rigour, scientific method and integrity, but also a (self-) critical altitude, curiosity, and fun. No other person I am aware of represents this so well as R. Feynman, physics nobel price winner (1965). He died in 1988, but his writings and recorded interviews continue to be highly regarded and referred to in and outside the scientific world. Besides his contribution to physics he remains well known for his contribution as a member of the Roger Commission investigating the accident of the space shuttle Challenger (more precisely his minority report).[More here]

I recommend to read Feynman. There is no bette introduction to the scientific mindset, no matter the discipline, instead or before any text on scientific methods in your field.

Besides his still famous and highly regarded Lectures on Physics (early sixties), he has published many books meant for anyone interested in scientific activities. He is one of the very rare authors able to convey a scientific attitude and mind-set that is pleasurable to read for everyone. Titles like The Pleasure of Finding things out or You are surely Joking Mr. Feynman reflect this.

Some famous quotes by Richard Feynman
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