Swiss Summer School 2007

Erdfelder: Applied Analysis of Variance
and Linear Modelling

Prof. Dr. Edgar Erdfelder, Professor at the Department of Psychology, Chair III, University of Mannheim, Germany.

For more details and publications click here.

Workshop contents and objectives

The workshop will cover the analysis of experimental and quasi-experimental designs with continuous dependent variables from an applied perspective. Among the topics are:

We will study and discuss these topics using practical research problems and both real and simulated data. We will apply most of these methods using the SPSS and the GPOWER computer programs.


Relevant background knowledge

Material that will be covered during the course:



You should have some background knowledge in experimental design and applied statistics as covered, for example, in the first one or two years of psychology studies (see, e.g., Hays, 1994; Myers & Well, 2003)


You should be familiar with the SPSS data handling (i.e., data input, variable and value labels, data transformations, merging and splitting data files, and the SPSS statistics menu).

In addition, you should familiarize yourself with the G*Power 3 power analysis program (Faul, Erdfelder, Lang & Buchner, 2007). G*Power 3 is free. The program may be obtained from this web site.

Bring your own data

I urge you to bring your own data to the workshop so that we can solve the data analysis problems you are faced with. If you are planning to collect data that will not be available by August 2007, think about preparing a simulated data set. In any case, if you will bring your own (real or simulated) data to the workshop, please contact me in advance (preferably by email): and describe both your data set and the underlying research questions. Please do so as early as possible but not later than August 11, 2007.