Swiss Summer School 2016

Eldad Davidov/Peter Schmidt
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) I

Eldad Davidov Eldad Davidov is professor of sociology at the University of Zurich and president of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). His research interests concentrate on structural equation modeling especially applied to cross-cultural and longitudinal survey data. In his research he analyzes human values and attitudes toward immigrants or other minorities.

Peter Schmidt is Professor emeritus of social science methodology at the University of Giessen. His research concentrates on foundations and applications of generalized latent variable models especially structural equation models. Applications include cross-country, repeated cross-sections and panel data. The substantive topics deal with values, attitudes toward minorities, national identity and innovation.He is together with A.Heath, E.Green, E.Davidov and A.Ramos member of the Question design team for the immigration module of the ESS 2014.

Workshop contents and objectives

The objective of this course is to show how structural equation modeling can be used to develop and/or test both measurement models and causal theories between latent variables with survey data, also across groups. A further important aim is to familiarize participants with the AMOS program. The program will be run by graphical input via path diagrams (AMOS Graphics). A special focus will be given to the analysis of comparative data across groups.


The objective of this course is to show how structural equation modeling can be used to develop and/or test both measurement models and causal theories between latent variables with survey data. A further important aim is to familiarize participants with the AMOS program. The program will be run by graphical input via path diagrams (AMOS Graphics).


Some experience with regression analysis techniques.


Basic texts/overview


