Changing Places in Parliament1

Stefanie Bailer2  
Universität Basel 
Sarah Bütikofer3  
Universität Zürich 
Simon Hug4 
Département de science politique
et relations internationales
Université de Genève

First version: February 2018, this very preliminary version: Feb 4, 2018


In bicameral systems members of parliament (MPs) may seek to advance careerwise by moving from the lower to the upper chamber. Such moves are especially sought after if the upper chamber has similar powers and is of smaller size. In this paper we present an analysis of members of the Swiss parliament that change their places and how this affects their behavior. While contrary to an often studied parliament like the US Congress the electoral districts do not change for MPs that change from one chamber to another, most Swiss MP that engage in such changes are subject to different electoral rules. We find that these differences affect considerably the behavior of MPs (in terms of voting, activities, etc.) that move from one chamber to another.


1Partial financial support by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grants No. 100012-111909, 100012-129737 and 100017L-162427 is gratefully acknowledged.
2  Universität Basel
3  Universität Zürich
4  Département de science politique et relations internationales, Faculté des sciences de la société ; Université de Genève; 40 Bd du Pont d'Arve; 1211 Genève 4; Switzerland; phone ++41 22 379 83 78; email:

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