Mean Well to Do Good?
Volunteer Motivation Re-Examined1

Ursula Häfliger2 and Simon Hug3
CIS and IPZ, Universität Zürich
Département de science politique, Université de Genève
Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the
Midwest Political Science Association in Chicago (April 2-5, 2009)

First preliminary draft: Jul 12, 2009


The provision of social services in most developed countries has become more and more difficult to ensure, and many states rely increasingly on volunteer work. What motivates volunteers is, however, still a relatively under-researched topic. At the theoretical level, there is a consensus that pro-social behaviour is, at least in parts, motivated by altruism, the function of which, however, remains contested. In some recent studies, social psychologists have identified functional categories of volunteering, according to the concept of attitude functions, for volunteer motivation and found evidence that people were more likely to express a willingness to volunteer if they were confronted with persuasive messages according to their volunteer function. Empirical studies relying on volunteer surveys face, however, problems of self-selection. To overcome these problems, we carried out a lab experiment to test volunteer motivation in participants and tested the congruence of participants' motivation and their response to persuasive messages according to these attitude functions. The results suggests that there is a systematic interaction between these elements.


1The financial support of the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant No. 100012-117733 is gratefully acknowledged.

2  Center for Comparative and International Studies; Institut für Politikwissenschaft; Universität Zürich; Seilergraben49; 8001 Zürich; Switzerland; email:

3  Département de science politique, Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales; Université de Genève; 40 Bd du Pont d'Arve; 1211 Genève 4; Switzerland; phone ++41 22 379 83 78; email:

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