Party Unity in the Swiss Parliament. The Electoral Connection1

Denise Traber, Simon Hug2 and Pascal Sciarini3
Département de science politique et relations internationales, Université de Genève

First version: August 2008, this version: Nov 27, 2011


The aim of this study is to investigate the connection between legislative and electoral politics in Switzerland. We postulate that proximity to elections has an impact on voting unity in the Swiss parliament, but this in interaction with the institutional type of the vote and the importance of the issue at stake. More specifically, we assume that party unity reaches a high in election year for roll-call votes on legislative acts that are important to parties.


1   This paper is part of larger research projects supported bz the Swiss National Science Foundation *Grants No 100012/111909, 100012/129737, and 00012/113964).

2  Département de science politique et relations internationales, Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales; Université de Genève; 40 Bd du Pont d'Arve; 1211 Genève 4; Switzerland; phone ++41 22 379 89 47; email:

3  Département de science politique et relations internationales, Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales; Université de Genève; 40 Bd du Pont d'Arve; 1211 Genève 4; Switzerland; phone ++41 22 379 83 86; email:

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