Steven Eichenberger1, Simon Hug2 3

First version: April 2023, this preliminary version: Jun 7, 2023
Paper prepared for presentation at the  
5th International Conference on European Studies: Europe in Unchartered Territories (KOF, ETH Zurich, 12-14 June 2023)

Ukraine in parliamentary debates

Ukraine in parliamentary debates4


The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in early 2022 has caught many politicians and observers by surprise. A war in Europe, in a country bordering European Union member states, has led to a flurry of activities in parliaments, dealing with sanctions, military support, neutrality, etc. The debates surrounding these activities have also highlighted divisions and cleavages among political actors. Relying on speeches in the parliaments of the Canada, European Union, Poland, Switzerland, and the United States over the last 14 months allows us to show that important divides appeared in all four settings, highlighting the pertinent domestic dynamics.

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