
In search for an African theology

John S. MbitiJohn S. Mbiti


Lundi 4 mai | 15h15

Pavillon Mail, salle PM15

No registration needed - everyone is welcome! 


A conversation, open to all, with John S. Mbiti about African theology, where it comes from, how it has developed, and where it might be going.

John S. Mbiti is one of the most important voices in African theology, with a career spanning five decades.

Among his books:

  • African Religions and Philosophy, London, Heinemann, 1969, new ed. 1990.
  • Concepts of God in Africa, London, SPCK, 1970.
  • Bible and Theology in African Christianity, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1987.
  • African Proverbs. Pretoria, UNISA Press, 1997.

La conversation se déroulera en anglais.
The conversation will be in English


Christophe Chalamet

4 mai 2015
