Arthur Huiban
Arthur Huiban is a postdoctoral researcher in the SNSF project directed by Ueli Zahnd, A disregarded past: Medieval Scholasticism and Reformed thought. His current research focuses on the use of medieval theology in the Protestant theology of the orthodoxies, and in particular in the West German Reformed theology of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. He is particularly interested in the question of the method of theology, in connection with the revival of logic and metaphysics in the early seventeenth century. From this point of view, he pays particular attention to the issue of the link between philosophy and theology, especially in the context of confessional controversies between Lutherans, Socinians and Reformed on the norm of faith, the doctrine of the Eucharist and the doctrine of the Trinity.
In October 2020, Arthur Huiban defended a PhD thesis, directed by Maria Cristina Pitassi (University of Geneva) and Philippe Büttgen (University of Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne) on the clarity of Scriptures. In this context, he studied the dynamics of confessional controversies, and the way in which, within a long period going from the beginning of the 16th century to the end of the 17th, the confessionalization of knowledge had shaped the modes of their formalization and their systematization.
He was admittend in 2014 to the agrégation de philosophie in France, and studied philosophy and logic in Paris (licence and master), at the University of Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne.