Katia Loizeau

Mrs Katia Loizeau
System administrator
+41 22 379 03 05
Mission and activities
System administrator part-time
Current responsibilities:
- Create and maintain the websites of the Department F.-A. Forel for environmental and aquatic sciences, Physical Process in natural waters workshops 2018 and of the 9th international symposium Polyelectrolytes 2012
- Guarantee the smooth-running of the part of Department F.-A. Forel offices located at 2td floor of the site UNIGE Carl Vogt at Geneva and on the laboratory sites of Sciences II.
- Adapt the computing tools to the needs and requirements of users and provide them with support and assistance on the laboratory sites of Sciences II and office located at 2td floor of the site UNIGE Carl Vogt.
I have an academic background and training as an engineer-geologist. At the start of my career, I worked for several mining companies in South Africa and Sweden. Following my return to Switzerland, I rapidly moved into the field of computing. I started my computing career working for a small company where I created and animated courses for micro-computer users. I became fully integrated into the computing world when I joined a main-frame manufacturer. During those 17 years, the company expanded and grew to become a leading service provider and was then acquired by another European competitor. I learned a tremendous amount from a technical point-of-view during the IT merger of both companies as I was actively assisting the Head of IT with the transition phase. I have worked both in-house and assisting clients in the role of IT support for more than 20 years.