Anciens collaborateurs

Daphne Donis

Dr Daphne Donis

Ancienne collaboratrice - Maître assistante


Above all: tackle the global carbon budget by quantifying complex processes controlling the carbon cycle in aquatic systems.

“The interface must be the place”: air-water and sediment-water solutes exchange dynamics.

Practically: development and application of novel approaches coupling biogeochemical analyses to physical models.


2010-2013 Ph.D., Marine Biogeochemistry. Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, University of Bremen, Germany. Subject: Integrated benthic exchange dynamics and biogeochemical processes under varying environmental conditions.

M.S., Marine Science. Faculty of Science, Università della Tuscia, Italy. Subject: Integration of the VOS (Voluntary Observing Ship) program with biological measurements by the development of an expendable probe for temperature and fluorescence measurements in the water column.


B.S., Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Università della Tuscia, Italy. Subject: Air-sea heat fluxes calculated from data acquired by CNR- Milazzo buoy (Sicily-Italy) during year 2003.



PostDoc at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, HGF MPG Joint Research Group for Deep-Sea Ecology and Technology, Bremerhaven, Germany.

2008-2009 Fellowship holder/Research technician at the Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB), Operational Oceanography and Sustainability Unit. Spanish National Research Council.
2004-2006 Research technician at Universita' della Tuscia (Italy), Department for Ecology and Biology, Lab for experimental oceanology and marine ecology.



Teaching assistant for 3d year Bachelor course “Physics of the Earth II”, Faculty of Science, Université de Genève.

September 2011

Workshop on “Aquatic Eddy Correlation: deployment and data analysis” within the SENSEnet workshop: “Sensor technology in marine research General use and data analysis”, Sylt, Germany.


Teaching assistant for 3d year Bachelor course “Instruments and tools in Oceanography” Faculty of Environmental Science, Università della Tuscia, Italy.


November 2011

Himmerfjord (Baltic Sea). In situ oxygen/heat fluxes with the eddy correlation system in a fjord estuary.

October 2010
- August 2011
Hel peninsula (Baltic Sea). Investigate submarine groundwater discharge impact on benthic exchanges (O2, H2S) of permeable sediments with eddy correlation system and benthic chambers.
May 2010 Black Sea- MSM15/1 RV Maria S. Merian. Investigating the response of oxygen benthic fluxes to the varying water column dynamics and oxygenation.
2009 R/V Dolores, Catalan Sea. Twice-month in situ measurements: CTD casts and water sampling for nutrients analysis and pigments extraction.
May 6-25, 2004
/ October 4-25, 2004
/ November 16 - December 5, 2005)
Oceanographic Cruises MedGOOS8, MedGOOS9 and MedGOOS11 on board of R/V Urania (CNR National Research Council) for measurements of primary productivity and water column dynamics in the Mediterranean Sea.


2010 - 2013

Marie Curie ITN fellowship

February -May 2009 Lifelong Learning Programme fellowship


Donis, D., Holtappels, M., Noss, C., Cathalot, C., Hancke, K., Polsenaere, P., Wenzhoefer, F., Lorke, A., Meysman, F., Glud, R.N. and D. F. McGinnis (2014). An assessment of the precision and confidence of aquatic eddy correlation measurements J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 32, 642–655.

Holtappels, M., Glud, R. N., Donis, D., Liu, B., Hume, A.,Wenzhofer, F. and M. M. M. Kuypers (2013). E
ects of transient bottom water currents and oxygen concentrations on benthic exchange rates as assessed by eddy correlation measurements, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 118, 1157-1169

Bernardello, R., Cardoso, J. G., Bahamon, N., Donis, D., Marinov, I., Cruzado, A. (2012). Modelled interannual variability of vertical organic matter export related to phytoplankton bloom dynamics - a case-study for the NW Mediterranean Sea. Biogeosciences, 9, 9091-9124

Marcelli, M., Di Maio, A., Donis, D., Mainardi, U., Manzella, G.M.R. (2007). Development of a new expendable probe for the study of the pelagic ecosystems from Voluntary Observing Ships. Ocean Sci., 3, 311-320.

Anciens collaborateurs