Anciens collaborateurs

Nicole Gallina

Dr Nicole Gallina

Ancienne collaboratrice

Former staff at the Department F.-A. Forel for environmental and aquatic sciences



The general objective of my work will be to predict the responses of phytoplankton functional diversity in lakes to climate change, and linking those responses to the ecosystem function and ecosystem service supply in Lakes.

  1. Defining the role of the functional diversity of phytoplankton for the functioning of lake ecosystems:
  2. Defining and predicting the impact of climate change on the functioning of lake ecosystems, using functional diversity of phytoplankton as a basis.
  3. Reducing uncertainties in model prediction using mesocosm experiments to validate the model simulaton, with the ultimate goal to inform lake water management and planning.




01.2013 – 06.2014 Post-Doc visitor at the University of Waikato,
Faculty of Science & Engineering, Biological Sciences, Research Group of LERNZ Lake Ecosystem Restoration New Zealand; Hamilton, New Zealand.
  • Early career Post-Doc Fellowship awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
    PROJECT : How does The Future Climate Affects Water Quality in Lake Geneva. From understanding to Predicting Phytoplankton and Nutrients through an integrative Modeling Approach



  • Spring Blitz: linking changes in water stability to plankton stability.
    Project leader(s): Lisette N. de Senerpont Domis, Nicole Gallina, Bas Ibelings
  • A Multi-Lake comparative analysis on the General Lake Model (GLM): A Community driven approach.
    Project leader: Louise C. Bruce



04.2007 – 09.2012 Assistante For the Master Degree MUSE,
Certificate of Geomatics (GIS); Statistical analysis and Introduction to R.
10.2005 - 03.2006 Biologist at the state of Geneva
Water Ecology Service, Department of Territorial Management, Canton of Geneva.

Assessing epilithic diatoms data from the major rivers in Geneva (Statistical analysis using R); Lake monitoring; River monitoring; Chlorophyll extraction, Preparation of diatom samples for microscope identification.
2005 Winter Semester Teaching at the Engineering School of Lullier; Geneva.
Management of natural environments; Ecological diagnostic of rivers - Modular Stepwise Procedure (MSP).
03.2005 - 09.2005 Scientific Collaborator at the Department of Earth Science, University of Geneva
Calibration of a multi-parametric probe FLNTUB (Temperature, Turbidity, Chlorophyll); Culturing of algae, Chlorophyll extraction and measuring
02.2004 - 01.2005 Scientific collaborator, Department of Territorial Management, Service of Fresh Water Ecology, State of Geneva and Department of Earth Science, University of Geneva.
Project Requalem: Research on the phytoplankton behavior in Small Lake Geneva (Statistical Multivariate Analyses), Participation in the Lake Monitoring Program (Sampling).
09.2003 - 11.2003 Internship for Remote Sensing and GIS at the Global Resource Information Database (GRID)/ United National Environmental Program (UNEP).
Comparison of the Temperature (SST) data computed from thermal remote sensing with in situ measurement. Use of ArcView and Erdas software.




04.2007 – 09.2012 PhD Institute of Environmental Science (ISE), Climate change and climate impact Group, University of Geneva.,
Project Cyanoclim: Health implication of changes in Cyanobacterial outbreaks in Swiss surface Waters
Subject: Description and modeling of harmful phytoplankton in deep peri-Alpine Lakes under warmer climatic conditions (Statistical Analyses and Models).
1999 - 2002 Master in natural Sciences of the Environment (DES SNE)
University of Geneva, University of Lausanne; University of Bologna, National Center of Marine Research for Marine Biotoxines in Cesenaticao (FO), Italy

Master thesis in Ecotoxicology: Comparative assessment of the use of Daphnia magna and Microtox Assay as alternative for the Mouse Assay for detection of algal biotoxins in mussels in the Northern Adriatic Sea.
1995 - 1999 Bachelor in Molecular Biology; University of Geneva.
Management of natural environments; Ecological diagnostic of rivers - Modular Stepwise Procedure (MSP).
1993 High School in Economics at Kantonsschule Luzern, Switzerland.




June 2011 Summer School at EAWAG (Aquatic Research Institute), Dübendorf Switzerland.,
Environmental Systems Analysis: Model based data analysis in environmental sciences (software package R).
- Models in Environmental Sciences (Importance, Mathematical representation, description and causes of uncertainty in model predictions)
- Identification of Models (Construction, Preliminary and sensitivity analysis, frequentist and Bayesian inference)
- Model Predictions (Estimation of uncertainty of model prediction in the frequentist and Bayesian framework)
July 2009 Summer School at Latsis Foundation in Athens, Greece

Environment, Climate, Climate change Impacts
-Lectures and practical work in Data analysis, extremes, times series analysis.
2002 Exams and Internship for The Certificate in Geomatic (GIS); University of Geneva.
Management of natural environments; Ecological diagnostic of rivers - Modular Stepwise Procedure (MSP).



R software, Matlab, S-Plus, Sigma Plot, Statistica, ArcGis, World, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Adobe Photoshop, Dynamique Aquatic Ecological models (CAEDYM/DYRESME, GLM/FABM)


German / Swiss German: Mother tongue
Italian: Mother tongue
French: Advanced
English: Advanced
Spanish: fluent spoken and basic written


Gallina N., Chris McBride, David Hamilton, 2014. Morpho-Functional Groups for Lake Geneva – A key first step to model and predict the succession of Cyanobacteria under future Climate Change scenario. Oral presentation. 16th International Conference of Harmful Algae, 27-31 October 2014 – Wellington, New Zealand.

Gallina N., Özkundakci D, Anneville O., and Hamilton D, 2013. Modelling Morpho-Functional Groups for Lake Geneva – A first key step to model phytoplankton dynamic succession. Oral presentation. New Zealand Fresh Water Science Society conference entitled Aquatic Science at the Interface, 19 to 23 August 2013 in Hamilton, New Zealand.

Gallina N., Özkundakci D, Anneville O., and Hamilton D, 2013. Identifying Morpho-Functional Groups for Lake Geneva – A first key step to model phytoplankton dynamic succession. Oral presentation. 16th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, Queensland, Australia, 8-11 July 2013.

Gallina N. Description And Modeling Of Phytoplankton With An Emphasis Of Cyanobacteria In Deep Peri-Alpine Lakes Under Warmer Climatic Conditions. 7. June 2013. Departemental Seminar at the Biological Sciences, University of Waikato. Hamilton. New Zealand. GLEON 14 Meeting, Workshop. Co-Hosted by Marine institue and Dundalk Institute ; Mulranny, Co. Mayo, Ireland. 15-19 October 2012.

Gallina N., N. Salmaso, G. Morabito, M. Beniston, 2011. Are the main drivers for phytoplankton configuration related to climate change and nutrient loading? A study on eight peri-Alpine lakes. Oral presentation. 16th Workshop of the International Associaton of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology (IAP), S.Michele all'Adige, Italy. 21-28. August 2011.

Treyture Z., N. Gallina, Brient L. 2011. Impact des turbulences sur le phytoplancton d'un petit étang breton. Anaylse de la succesion estivale du phytoplankton. Colloque annuel des Cyanobactéries. Clermont Ferrand, France. 31.1-2.2 2011.

Gallina N., Anneville O., Beniston M., 2010. Do extreme Climatic events have an impact on the devlopement of the cyaobacteria in Lake Geneva? Oral presentation. 14th International conference on Harmful Algae. Hersonissos-Crete, Greece, 1-5 November 2010.

Gallina N., Jaquet S., Anneville O., Beniston M., 2010. Will future Climate have an Impact of Cyanobacteria in Lake Geneva? Oral presentation. Aquatic sciences: Global changes from the center to the edge. ASLO/NABS Summer meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. 6-11 June 2010.

Gallina N., Jaquet S., Anneville O., 2010. Impacts des événements extrêmes sur les cyanobactéries du Léman. Oral Presentation. Colloque du GIS Cyanobactéries, Bourg en Bresse, France. 25-27 Janvier 2010.

Gallina N., 2009. Impacts of extreme high and low air temperature on cyanobacteria in 5 deep peri-alpine lakes. Poster presentation. 2nd EUROPEAN LARGE LAKES SYMPOSIUM (ELLS), Norrtälje, Sweden. Abstract in session Global change impacts on large lakes, 10-14 August 2009.

Gallina N., 2009. Impacts of extremes air temperature on phytoplankton on peri-alpine lakes. Poster presentation. Latis Fondations: 1st International Summer School: Environment-Climate-Climate Change-Impacts. Athens, Greece. 8-15 July 2009.

Gallina N., 2009. Impacts du changement climatiques sur le phytoplancton potentiellement nuisible des lacs péri-alpins : Une approche avec des analyses multi-variées. Oral presentation. GIS Cyanobacterie. Sète. France. 19-21 January 2009.

Gallina N., Representing Beniston M., Changements climatiques: Contraintes sur le milieux alpin. Observatoire de la recherche lacs péri-alpins (ORLacs). Oral Presentation. Université de Savoie, Le Bourget du Lac, France. 25 November 2008.

Gallina N., 2008. Description and modelling of potentially harmful phytoplankton in deep peri-alpine lakes under warmer climatic conditions. Oral presentation. Incontro dei dottorandi in Scienze dei sistemi acquatici. Associazion Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia (AIOL) e della Società Italiana di Ecologia (SItE). Istituto Agrario di San Michele all'Adige, Italiy. 14-16 April 2008.

Anciens collaborateurs