Artificial Intelligence & Philanthropy

Adoption, Use Cases and Ethical Considerations

This project investigates the relation between artificial intelligence (AI) and philanthropy from two perspectives. On the one hand, it explores how philanthropic organizations (POs) can play a crucial role in leading the Ethical and Inclusive Artificial Intelligence (EIAI) revolution from their privileged position as independent actors at the intersection of industry, government, and academia. Secondly, it addresses how the philanthropic sector can leverage AI to enhance governance and organizational development, data-driven decision making, and the development of impact assessment strategies

To date, academic knowledge on this twofold debate is sparse. The present project aims to address this gap by bringing together experts in the fields of data science, philanthropy, and ethics to generate solid academic and practice-informed contributions. These insights will provide a well-rounded reference point and guide POs’ in embracing and implementing AI, while encouraging  POs active contribution in the promotion of EIAI practices.

The landmark outcome of the research project is the development of a Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Philanthropy, just recently published in November 2024. The edited volume represents one of the most authoritative, comprehensive, and contemporary writings on AI and philanthropy. As a multidisciplinary endeavour, the handbook counts 32 unique contributions and bring together stakeholders from the world of academia, civil society, and industry in a debate on the role of AI for philanthropy, and vice-versa.

This endeavour is a joint effort between the Chair in Behavioral Philanthropy and Finance and the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy (GCP) of the University of Geneva (UNIGE), supported by grants from Fondation Botnar and another strategic partner of the GCP.

Click here to access the Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Philanthropy - available on open access and for pre order >>