Academic Sessions
The academic sessions, to be held on 14-15 March 2024 at Uni-Dufour, will comprise interative panels and a workshop (invitation only).
PROGRAMME | 14 March 2024:
REGISTRATION & BREAKFAST (9 - 9.30 am) | Uni-Dufour (Room 408)
OPENING REMARKS (9.30 - 10 am) | Uni-Dufour (Room 408)
- Prof. Henry Peter, Head, Geneva Centre for Philanthropy
- Prof. Giuseppe Ugazio, Associate Professor in Behavioral Philanthropy and Finance at the University of Geneva, Principal Investigator of the AI and Philanthropy Project
THEMATIC SESSION 1 - Artificial Intelligence for Philanthropy (10 - 11.30 am) | Uni-Dufour (Room 408)
- Prof. Patricia Snell Herzog, Melvin Simon Chair and Associate Professor of philanthropic studies in the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI
- Dr. Bertram Lang, Interim Professor for the Economy and Society of China, Georg-August University Göttingen
Dr. iur Aline Kratz, Attorney at Law and Academic Fellow GCP, University of Geneva
Francesca Bosco, Chief Strategy and Partnerships at CyberPeace Institute
Moderator: Prof. Giuseppe Ugazio
In this session, the status and main areas of AI adoption by philanthropic organisations (POs) will be exposed and discussed. Associated risks of AI adoption as well as matters such as adaptability of tools will be covered.
LUNCH BREAK (11.30 - 1 pm) | Uni-Dufour
THEMATIC SESSION 2 - An ethical and inclusive Artificial Intelligence empowered by Philanthropy
(1 -2.30 pm) | Uni-Dufour (Room 408)
- Prof. Luciano Floridi, Founding Director of the Digital Ethics Center and Professor in the Practice in the Cognitive Science Program at Yale University
Prof. David Evan Harris, Chancellor’s Public Scholar at UC Berkeley and a continuing lecturer at the Haas School of Business
Prof. Diana Acosta, Assistant Professor of Business Ethics at Loyola University Chicago
- Ezekiel Kwetchi Takam, Doctoral student in ethics, Faculty of Theology, University of Geneva
Moderator: Dr. Ravit Dotan
Grounding the discussion on POs role as actors of positive societal change, this panel will discuss POs potential and responsibility in supporting the development of AI systems that are ethical and inclusive from their inception.
SPOTLIGHTS (3 - 5.15 pm) at Les Salons
For more details, visit this page >>
PUBLIC CONFERENCE (6 - 7.30 pm) at Les Salons
The event is sold out. The video of the event will be published on our website in the coming weeks and will be accessible to all.
REGISTRATION & BREAKFAST (9 - 9.30 am) | Uni-Dufour (Room 408)
THEMATIC SESSION 3 - The Future of AI & Philanthropy (9.30 - 11.00 am) | Uni-Dufour (Room 408)
- Yolanda Botti-Lodovico, Policy and Advocacy Lead of the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation
Dr. Sebastian Hallensleben, Chair of CEN-CENELEC JTC 21 at the European Union
Nelson Amaya, Policy Analyst at OECD Centre on Philanthropy
- Rhodri Davies, Pears Fellow at the Centre for Philanthropy of the University of Kent, former Head of Policy at Charities Aid Foundation
Moderator: Milos Marcic, Philanthropy expert and author, and former humanitarian executive
COFFEE BREAK (11 - 11.15 am)
WORKSHOP - How can AI amplify philanthropic missions? (11.15 am - 12.45 pm)
Open to the public
- Dr. Ravit Dotan, Founder TechBetter
This interactive workshop will explore the opportunities of AI in the context of philanthropy and address its risks.
LUNCH BREAK (12.45 - 2 pm) | Uni-Dufour