Who we represent
The body of the intermediate-level teaching and research staff (in French, corps des collaborateur·rices de l'enseignement et de la recherche, CCER) consists in all the teachers and researchers contributing to the mission of the University, and who do not have the title of professor.
It is one of the four bodies that compose the academic community, next to the body of professors, the body of students, and the technical and administrative personnel.
The CCER is also called "intermediate body".
The ACCORDER represents all members of the CCER regardless of their faculty or institute of attachment, and of the origins of the funding that supports their position (DIP/State of Geneva, SNF, self-funding, or other).
According to article 4, paragraph 4 of the Règlement sur le personnel de l'Université [Regulation of the University staff] of March 17, 2009, members of the CCER are:
a) les maîtres d’enseignement et de recherche [senior researchers and lecturers];
b) les chargé-es de cours [lecturers];
c) les privat-docents;
d) les chargé-es d’enseignement [lecturers];
e) les conseillers et conseillères académiques [academic counsellors];
f) les collaborateurs/trices scientifiques I et II [scientific collaborators];
g) les chef-fes de clinique scientifiques [scientific head of clinic];
h) les maîtres assistant-es [senior researchers and lecturers];
i) les post-doctorant-es [post-doctoral researchers];
j) les assistant-es [PhD candidates and doctoral assistants];
k) les auxiliaires de recherche et d’enseignement [undergraduate teaching and research assistants];
l) les chercheurs et chercheuses invité-es [guest researchers];
o) les chercheurs et chercheuses Marie Curie, et les autres collaborateurs et collaboratrices (rémunéré-es par des fonds provenant de l’extérieur) qui exercent une fonction dont les conditions d’engagement sont imposées par le Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique, la Commission européenne ou d’autres organismes d’intérêt public dont la mission principale est de financer des projets de recherche [Marie-Curie funded researchers, or other employees funded by external funds and whose engagement conditions are fixed by the Swiss National Fund, the European Commission, or any other public interest institution with the primary aim to fund research projects].