Secret Life of Black Holes

Brief description of the event

The warm-up talk is given by Sergej Laub, a master student at University of Geneva, who briefly explains why we need a theory of Quantum Gravity and what are the paths to achieve it.

The main talk is given by Julian Sonner, professor at University of Geneva, "String Theory, Holography, Condensed matter " group. Julian is interested in string theory, holography and condensed matter physics and their mutual interactions. A good example of Julian's research is the study of the process of the formation and subsequent evolution of black holes and understanding how these notions have their counterparts in the study of thermalization in quantum many-body systems.


How black are black holes really? What happens to a secret you write on a piece of paper and drop into a black hole? What role in all of this does quantum chaos play? And quantum entanglement? In the talk Prof.Sonner unveils these and other secrets of quantum black holes, and gives a taste of present day research on the microscopic structure of spacetime.

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