News Archive

COVID-19: extension of reception conditions for the external public from March 1

Reception conditions and SANITARY measures

From March 1, seated workplaces and services will once again be accessible to everyone without time restrictions, including to the external public.

In order to guarantee the safety of all, the sanitary measures currently in force are maintained:

  • Systematic disinfection of his hands when entering and leaving the Library
  • Wearing a mask is mandatory and maintaining a distance of 1.5m at all times
  • Systematic disinfection of workplaces before and after occupation using the wipes or disinfectant products made available.

Adaptation of reception conditions in the busy time

The reception capacity of the Library being reduced to 40%, in the busy time, especially during the period for the exams of the spring semester, priority is given to members of the UNIGE / HUG community. Access controls may take place, please make your multiservices student card available on the table.

During these periods, we invite you to regularly consult the occupancy rate of the reading rooms on the UNIGE mobile application and on the dedicated page.

Group work booths are closed until further notice.

Thank you for your understanding.


February 25, 2021
  Archive of News - 2021