Workshops and training videos on how to correctly cite your sources
After a few weeks of researching documents and reading, you find yourself faced with your notes, quotes and references from books, web pages and articles. How do you put it all in order? The time for writing your paper is approaching and you could use some methodological advice, tool recommendations and a reminder of the basic rules of citation and copyright.
To help you, the UNIGE Library offers several alternatives:
Participate in the Rendez-vous de l'info scientifique to discover bibliographic management tools and their use:
To help you, the UNIGE Library offers several alternatives:
Participate in the Rendez-vous de l'info scientifique to discover bibliographic management tools and their use:
- EndNote: getting started in the management of bibliographic references | 14.03, 12:15-13:45, online | 23.03, 12:15-13:45, Uni Arve (in English)
- Zotero: getting started in the management of bibliographic references | 15.03, 12:15-13:45, Uni Mail
To dig deeper into Zotero :
- Share your Zotero references | 16.03, 13:00-13:15, online
- Saving Zotero files in the cloud | 17.03, 13:00-13:15, online
- Organize your Zotero library with tags | 22.03, 13:00-13:15, online
- Apply APA style with Zotero | 23.03, 13:00-13:15, online
- Cite your references and create a bibliography with LaTeX: basic principles for BibTeX and BibLaTeX formats and their complementarity with Zotero | 30.03, 12:15-13:15, Uni CMU
Participez au Rendez-vous de l'info scientifique to revise the basic rules of citation:
- Plagiat : apprenez à l'éviter grâce au jeu "La course à la citation" | 21.03, 12h15-13h15, en ligne (in French)
Watch these InfoTrack videos for tips on how to avoid plagiarism:
Archive of News - 2023