
Open Access Week 2023

From October 23 to 27, the University Library will be joining in the celebrations of International Open Access Week, with a range of activities including stands in the various buildings (permanent exhibition during the week) and various training courses.

Find out more about the week's program below:

Monday October 23

3 things to know about Open Access before submitting your article, in 15 minutes

Tuesday october 24

Open Access publishing at no cost thanks to UNIGE agreements, in 15 minutes

Public conference | 15h30 - 18h CMU - Auditoire Renold

Affordable Open Access: exploring funding and free publishing options

  • With presentations by Daniela Hahn (UZH), Romain Vaucher (UNIGE) and Camille Thomas (UNIBE), Regula Graf (FNS), Marc Robinson-Rechavi (UNIL),
  • After the presentations, round-table discussion with the speakers, Q&A with the audience

Wednesday october 25

Retain your copyright and share your articles freely with the Rights Retention Strategy

Facilitating your article searches with the Unpaywall plugin

thursday october 26

Opening up your scientific contributions thanks to Creative Commons licenses

Stand Open Access | 11h30-14h30

  • Arve, hall Sciences 2
  • CMU, hall bâtiment A-B,

POsters thématiques

August 31, 2023