
Useful tools for Open Access

Find below some key Open Access tools, depending on what you want to do.

Check the Open Access compatibility of your favorite scientific journals:

Obtain funding for potential publication costs:

  1. Agreements with publishers webpage: check whether an agreement exists and follow the procedure.
  2. Use your funding agency's tool
    Eg. ChronosHub (SNSF articles) ou my.SNF (SNSF books)
  3. Publication Fund: apply for financial support if the conditions are met

A flow chart summarizes the funding options for an Open Access article and their conditions.

Make your publications visible and open:

  • SNSF OA Check: find out the Open Access rate of your publications and how to improve it
  • Rights Retention Strategy : retain the right to freely and immediately disseminate a copy of the scientific article (without embargo).
  • Archive ouverte UNIGE: share your publications, in the form of an accepted manuscript if the published version cannot be freely distributed

Find Open Access contents:

  • Archive ouverte UNIGE: for publications by UNIGE authors
  • Unpaywall: browser plugin, to search seamlessly into all institutional repositories online.
  • DOAB: directory of books published 100% Open Access
  • DOAJ: directory of scientific journals who publish their contents 100% Open Access. Article search also possible.