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Archive ouverte: tip of the month and answers to your questions


Goal: To present a time-saving tip for working with the Archive ouverte UNIGE and answer any questions you may have

Description: Archive ouverte UNIGE is an institutional repository on which all employees of the institution have been required to deposit a copy of their publications since 2008. The deposit interface, as well as the consultation interface, is constantly being improved to make it faster and easier to use. The aim of this session is to present a new tip each time to open up the field to your questions...

Public: PhD, Post-Doc, researchers, staff and Faculty

Prerequisite: none - You may discover the interfaces and a video guide of the deposit process on (in French only)


  • 30 minutes, online via Zoom


  • Introduction and tip of the month (10 min)
  • Questions / Answers

Themes : Archive ouverte UNIGE, Open Access, Green road, bibliographic generator

Mandatory registration (see below)


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