My first document in LaTeX
Objective : Create a simple LaTeX document.
Description : Word is not the only software available to write documents. In the scientific area, many prefer LaTeX, a free and open source system.If you want to find out what LaTeX could bring you for the writing of your reports, theses or articles, come to the next “Midi de l’info scientifique” of the UNIGE Library.
Audience: Researchers, Academic teachers, PhD students, Post-doc researchers, UNIGE collaborators.
Prerequisite : PC's are available in our training lab but if you want to bring your own laptop, you'll need to install a LaTeX environnment such as:
For Windows: MiKTeX (LaTeX distribution), Sumatra PDF (PDF reader), TeXnic Center (LaTeX editor).
For MAC: MiKTeX et TeXstudio.
Format :
- 1 hour long practical workshop. (12 participants/session)
- Is taking place in our training lab with PC's. People can bring their own laptop
- In english if needed
- Differences between Word and LaTeX
- Bases for LaTeX document layout
When and where :Wednesday October 10th 2018, 12h15-13h15 Bibliothèque Schmidheiny
No registration, free entry
Topics : LaTeX, programming
Documents :
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