Rendez-vous de l'info scientifique

Tools for information retrieval

The Library proposes you to discover the tools for information retrieval and/or to assist you for improving their use.

Identify those you are interested in and choose your training activities!


Learn valuable lessons by watching videos of Anna and Fred, two slightly offbeat UNIGE students.


Discover the Library's catalog and the SLSP network

Web of Science

Optimize your literature search beyond disciplinary tools


Optimize your literature search with advanced search tools

Dynamed vs UpTodate (only in French)

in 15 minutes

PsycINFO (only in French)

Optimize your literature searches in psychology

PubMed VS Embase (only in French)

MLA International Bibliography (only in French)

The bibliographic database for languages ​​and literatures around the world

MeSH it Up, in 15 minutes (only in French)