Rendez-vous de l'info scientifique

Retain your copyright and share your articles freely with the Rights Retention Strategy

In 15 minutes


Objective: Understand and use the Rights Retention Strategy to retain the right to freely and immediately disseminate your scientific articles.

Description: Promoted by cOAlition S, the Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) is a mechanism that allows authors of scientific publications to remain the copyright holders and to release the accepted version of their manuscript in an open archive without embargo. In addition, the strategy allows compliance with the Open Access requirements of funding bodies, such as the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). This short presentation introduces the issues and concepts involved in the Rights Retention Strategy and explains how to implement it for your publications.

Public: PhD students, post-docs, researchers, teachers

Prerequisites: None


  • Takes place online via Zoom
  • Short session of 15 minutes (possibility to stay for questions afterwards)


  • Definition and principle of the Rights Retention Strategy (RRS)
  • Presentation of the notions involved in the strategy (versions of the manuscript, green road to Open Access)
  • Application of the RRS to its publications (standard formulations)

Topics: Open Access, publication costs (APC), scientific publication, open science,

Registration required (see below)
