Nicolas Stenger

Scientific collaborator

Nicolas Stenger holds a doctorate in literature from the University of Geneva and a doctorate in history from the University of Paris-VIII. He is the author of Denis de Rougemont. Les intellectuels et l'Europe au XXe siècle (Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2015). His areas of research include the history of intellectuals, the history of the European idea and the cultural history of the Cold War. He also has a degree in publishing from the University of Paris-XIII and worked for several years as an editorial secretary and page designer at various publishing houses in Paris. Since 2011, he has been a lecturer in history at the Global Studies Institute of the University of Geneva and in the Department of General History. In addition to his teaching activities, he is the initiator and current head of the Rougemont 2.0 publishing and research project, developed by researchers at the University of Geneva's Global Studies Institute. Since 2023, he has been working as a research associate at the Centre Jean Piaget as part of the ENOP project.

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