

L’image mentale chez l’enfant

With B. Inhelder

In collaboration avec M. Aboudaram, M. Anthonioz, P. Antonini, T. Bang, J. Bliss, M. Boehm, M. Bovet, M. Chollet-Levret, R. Droz, C. Emery-Menthonnex, A. Etienne, C. Fot, F. Frank, A. Henriques-Christofides, B. Matalon, P. Mounoud, D. Nicollier, H. Niedorf, J. Pascual-Leone, F. Paternotte-Agoston, L. Pecsi, L.-P. Poirier, A. Politi, E. Schmid-Kitsikis, A. Sella, S. Taponier, K. Tyborowska, V. Bang and G. Voyat.

Continuing with the subject of image and representation, opened in Play, dreams and imitation in childhood, this work launches a new period that marks a distance from the structural one. In the preface, Piaget does not hesitate to denounce the “fashions” of psychology in an attempt to distance himself from them by tackling a subject that was almost taboo in the 1960s. Using a less clinical methodology that is closer to that of experimental psychology, the book systematically addresses the question of the relationship between mental image and the development of intelligence, between the “figurative” and “operative” aspects of cognitive functions.



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