CAS Children's Rights

The participants of the CAS are taught by leading academics and actors in the field of children’s human rights, who are up to date with the latest developments and debates. The multidisciplinary and international environment gives the programme a unique character. 


The overall objectives of the CAS are:

  • To acquire specialised knowledge of children’s rights in their theoretical as well as their practical dimensions through an international and interdisciplinary approach to the study of children’s rights
  • To understand and critically discuss the role of international instruments on children’s rights in the implementation and monitoring of children’s rights, with a particular focus on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • To develop the ability to contribute to the resolution of child rights related issues and problems
  • To exercise tools to effectively use human rights standards and mechanisms at the international and national levels


Professional who works with children’s rights issues: lawyer, psychologist, sociologist, judge, law enforcement officer, social worker, teacher, government official, staff from governmental and non-governmental organisations, academic and journalist.


  • Children's Rights European Academic Network (CREAN)
  • International Institute for the Rights of the Child (IDE)


The programme aims to develop specific knowledge and skills in addition to the general objectives, notably to:

  • acquire interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in children’s rights;
  • adopt a critical approach to understanding the origins, nature, limits and implementation of particular themes in children’s rights;
  • gain knowledge of the relevant methodological and analytical tools to identify the issues and problems relating to the realisation of topics concerning children’s rights and develop the ability to contribute to the realisation of these issues and problems.


2 week-long modules are to be chosen among the following modules of the MAS:

Module 1

Children's rights and childhood studies

17-21 February 2025

Online learning

Module 2

International children’s rights law

12-16 May 2025

University of Geneva

Module 3

Child protection strategies and policies

29 September - 3 October 2025

Online learning

Module 4

Children’s rights and migration

24-28 November 2025

Online/University of Geneva

Module 5

Child labour and education

9-13 March 2026

Online learning

Module 6

Children’s rights and criminal justice

8-12 June 2026

Online learning

Module 7

Children’s rights policy
implementation and monitoring

9-13 November 2026

Valais Campus (Sion)


Information on assessment and evaluation methods is given to students at the start of the course. These include written examinations and a paper.

Assessments are scored on a scale of 0 (fail) to 6 (excellent). Quarter points may be awarded. Students must obtain a minimum score of 4, or an average of 4 if the assessment consists of a series of tests, on the assessment for each module. The relevant credits will be awarded on successful completion of the various assessments.

Students who score less than 4 on any of the assessments or an average of less than 4 if the assessment consists of a series of tests may apply to repeat the relevant assessment or tests on which they have scored less than 4 for a second and final time. The second assessment will be organised as soon as possible.

Pedagogical methods

The programme takes place over one year and requires participants to attend two-week-long modules combined with the completion of exercises and examinations based on the required readings. Students are also expected to write a paper. A team of professors and academic staff members will guide them through the process.

Lecturers and speakers

The CAS staff members, lecturers, steering committee and scientific advisory board members, guest lecturers and speakers guarantee the presence of a diversity of disciplinary and cultural viewpoints on children’s rights. Since its start in April 2003, the CAS Programme has been able to count on the participation of numerous distinguished academics and professional experts, of whom many will continue to offer their precious collaboration. The detailed list of lecturers and speakers can be found here:

Admission criterea

  • Hold a bachelor’s degree in the field of social and human sciences conferred by the University of Geneva, a Swiss University of Applied Sciences, a University recognised by the University of Geneva, or a qualification deemed to be equivalent by the Steering committee
  • Provide evidence of at least one year's professional experience in a field linked to the course
  • Have a level of proficiency in English deemed sufficient to follow the teaching and participate in the programme and discussions.

The CAS Steering Committee will examine applications. All candidates shall be notified of the decision regarding their acceptance to the CAS in Children’s Rights two weeks after the finalization of the application.

Study Regulations

pdf-icon.png  Study Regulations


At the end of the programme, participants who have met all of the requirements for completion of the academic programme receive a degree conferred by the University of Geneva. The degree awarded is the ‘Certificate of Advanced Studies in Children's Rights’.


Registration fee: CHF 150.- (non-refundable)

Two Modules with two exams and final paper (12 ECTS Credits) Certificate of Advanced Studies in Children's Rights (CAS): CHF 5000. Online application.

Steering Committee

Prof. Karl Hanson, Prof. Daniel Stoecklin, Dr Roberta Ruggiero and Simon Nehme, Centre for Children’s Rights Studies, University of Geneva

Scientific Committee

Prof. Abdeljalil Akkari, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Geneva, Alan Kikuchi-White, SOS Children's Villages International, Elena Patrizi, PhD candidate at the University of Geneva’s Centre for Children’s Rights Studies, Prof. Maya Hertig Randall, Faculty of Law, UNIGE, Paola Riva Gapany, International institute for the Rights of the Child (IDE), Dr Yvan Droz, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies IHEID


Dr Roberta Ruggiero, University of Geneva

Online Application

pdf-icon.png Brochure

Duration: Feb 2025 - Nov 2026

ECTS Credits: The CAS in Children's Rights accounts for 12 ECTS. Participants must attend 2 one-week modules. 

Location and Format: Modules will be taught at the UNIGE Valais Campus, at the University of Geneva and online.

Language: English

Administrative Information:
Hortense Hofer
Tel. :+41 (0) 27 205 73 93

Pedagogical Information
Simon Nehme

MCR Website